O.W. Erlewine PTA

Erlewine EAGLES  soar!

click here to see the schools bell schedule

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Upcoming Events

5/5/24 - Chalk the Walk 1:30-3:30 in front of the school

5/6-10 - Teacher &  Staff Appreciation week

5/7/24 - Dine-to-donate @ Menchies 12pm-10pm

5/14/24 - PTA meeting 6:30pm Science lab or Zoom

5/20-24 - Scholastic Book Fair

5/22/24 - Open House

5/30-6/3 - Eagle Buck Store


We did an amazing job raising funds and running hard this year!   

A huge congratulations to the entire school for a job well done and for raising more than our goal of $8,000.  We were able to raise $10, 900 this year!!!  On June 6th we will bring a dunk tank on campus to dunk Mr. Chapman as  reward for all your hard work.  

The yearbook committee invites you to share any photos you have taken at O.W. Erlewine events for conisderation for inclusion in the 2023/24 yearbook.

Send photos to erlewineyearbook@gmail.com

PTA Executive Board Members 2022/23 

President - Jessica Loaiza, president@owepta.org

Secretary - Kendra Cassidy, secretary@owepta.org

Treasurer - Amanda Connolly, treasurer@owepta.org

Vice President - Melanie Collins, vicepresident@owepta.org

Have questions or comments?  

Feel free to contact our PTA at info@owepta.org.  You can also reach out to us on our Facebook page - O.W. Erlewine PTA.

Stop by the office to purchase  spirit gear 

Joining PTA does not commit you to attend any meetings or volunteering for anything, but you are always welcome and we would love to have you!  

 Click here to register online, or stop by the front office.  

Check out past and present newsletters to see what the PTA does.

Interested in lending a hand?  Contact us on our Facebook page, email us at president@owepta.org, or stop in the front office and let us know.